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Industry Animal Cruilty

Anchor 1

3 billion animals killed every day

Anchor 2


140 million chickens die every day

Bred to grow so large so quickly that their legs and organs cannot keep up, making heart attacks, organ failure, and crippling leg deformities common.
Male chicken of the egg industry cannot lay eggs, and has not been genetically manipulated for profitable meat production, with no use to the egg industry. Destruction of unwanted male chicks is a worldwide practice.

Sick and deformed chickens suffering ins


800,000 cows killed everyday

Female cows are forcibly impregnated, their young taken away to be slaughtered immediately. Some of put in a tiny shed and fed a low-iron diet until they become anemic and can be slaughtered and sold as veal. Dairy farmers milk female cows until they can no longer stand under their own power. Then they are dragged to auction and die.



4 million pigs are killed for food every day

Piglets are separated from their mothers as young as 10 days old. Mother pigs, called sows, give birth without rest or space to turn their bodies around for up to four years before they’re slaughtered.

After reaching market weight, moved in the back of crowded trucks to slaughter.



Over 3 million rabbits killed every day

places like China, Italy, and France, rabbits are still farmed for food.

Struck in the face with blunt objects in an attempt to knock them unconscious, and the ones which stays conscious, struggle and squirm as workers snap their back legs, breaking their bones in order to more easily hang the rabbits upside down then slice open their throats.

photo: Jo-Anne McArthur for Animal Equality



500 million Sheep killed every year

Many die while they are still babies. Lamb refers to any sheep younger than one-year-old. Some lambs are slaughtered as young as two months olds, usually “tail docked” just a few weeks after birth. Mother sheep are deeply caring and form strong bonds with their babies. Sadly, this bond is broken at factory farms where lambs are ripped away from their mothers just a few days after birth.

List of animals suffering continues with:

turkey, fish, ducks, dogs and many more in hell of cruelty.

Inside the slaughterhouse. Undercover investigation in spanish slaughterhouses.

Inside the slaughterhouse. Undercover investigation in spanish slaughterhouses.

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Anchor 3

 "foods made from milk, including butter, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, and condensed and dried milk"

Anchor 4

Scars behind

Habitats destroyed and reefs barely recover.

It is a whole world dying, not just the fish.


More is less

Super trawlers manage to catch huge amount of fish, leading to populations collapse across the globe.



When removed from the water left to suffocate and die, very slowly.

Anchor 5

Beginning of hell

Male chicks disposed of like trash, either suffocated to death or ground up alive in large industrial macerators

pic: animalequality



Cutting off a portion of their sensitive beaks without any painkillers

pic: animalequality



Each hen has less living space than a standard piece of printer paper, in these conditions millions of pounds of antibiotics are fed to chickens, these antibiotics Lead to Drug-Resistant Bacteria, Human Illnesses


Anchor 6

Abuse & Suffer are NOT entertaining


Animals in Circus, Sea world, Tourism sites and other places considered entertaining, are abused to death, beaten, hit, poked, prodded, and jabbed and even drugged.

 Eventually to die in cages or in chains just because people think it is fun, well IT IS NOT! 
See for your self: 

Abuse and suffer are not entertainment

Abuse and suffer are not entertainment

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Anchor 7

Research & tests are suffer & death

Monkeys, rats, rabbits, cats, dogs, pigs and other animals are locked inside barren cages in laboratories across the world. They languish in pain, ache with loneliness, and long to be free from animal testing. Instead, all they can do is sit and wait in fear of the next terrifying and painful procedure that will be performed on them.

People, there is an alternative, stop this abuse!

Animal research

Animal research

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